a couple posing for photography during golden hour in albuquerque at elena gallegos

Elena Gallegos Open Space in Albuquerque, New Mexico, offers stunning backdrops perfect for couples photography. Recently, we had the pleasure of capturing Tyler and Kayla’s love story in this beautiful setting.

Why Elena Gallegos?

Situated at the base of the Sandia Mountains, Elena Gallegos Open Space is known for its picturesque views and diverse terrain. From open meadows to rugged trails, it’s an ideal choice for a romantic photo session.

The Perfect Couple

Tyler and Kayla’s chemistry shone through as we captured their love against the backdrop of a location they frequently visit. Their connection and comfort with each other made for some truly beautiful photos.

The Session Highlights

Golden Hour Magic: We started the session during the golden hour, when the soft, warm light added a romantic glow to the photos.

Diverse Scenery

  • Open Meadows: Wide shots emphasizing intimacy.
  • Rugged Trails: Adventurous backgrounds symbolizing their journey together.
  • Mountain Views: The Sandia Mountains added depth and grandeur.
  • Natural Poses: Encouraging Tyler and Kayla to interact naturally resulted in genuine smiles, laughter, and tender moments.

Tips for a Successful Session

  • Dress Comfortably: Choose outfits that complement the surroundings.
  • Be Yourselves: Authentic interactions create the best photos.
  • Incorporate Personal Elements: Bring meaningful items to personalize your session.
  • Stay Hydrated: Especially important in warmer months.
a couples posing for photography at elena gallegos open space
a couples posing for photography at elena gallegos open space
a couples posing for photography at elena gallegos open space
a couples posing for photography at elena gallegos open space
a couples posing for photography at elena gallegos open space
a couples posing for photography at elena gallegos open space
a couples posing for photography at elena gallegos open space
a couples posing for photography at elena gallegos open space


Do we need a permit?

No, but there is a small fee to enter the park. At the time of this article, the rate to enter the park is $1/vehicle on weekdays and $2/vehicle on weekends.

Best time of year?

Spring through fall for the best weather and scenery.

Can we bring pets?

Yes, pets are allowed if leashed.

How long should our session be?

1-2 hours to explore different spots and capture various poses.

What should we bring?

Water, comfortable shoes, and any personal props or items.

Tyler and Kayla’s session at Elena Gallegos Open Space was a beautiful blend of natural beauty, personal touches, and genuine moments. If you’re looking for a stunning location for your couples session in Albuquerque, this is a fantastic choice.